Friday, September 4, 2009

Weary Blues is a Classic/ I'm feelin this video poem thang

Langston Hughes speaks of strife of the African American experience in his 1923 video poem "Weary Blues" when he says, "He made that poor piano moan with melody."   Images of Black performance spaces, The Apollo, The Savoy, and Cab Calloway dancing against the melancholy jazz background add a layered canvas to Hughes's painting of poetics.  I enjoyed the intermingling of genres: dance, music, poetry and the striking metaphor of the anguished blues musician (piano player) as symbol of the period's political climate and it's effects on Black men which can still very much be likened to conditions today.  In regards to technique Hughes is master here at using rhythm, rhyme, and metaphor.  "Weary Blues" is a classic in every sense--Hughes's development of craft, meaningful content, and historical narrative.  This video poem poem was from 1923 and it is timeless and inspiring!  

How come we don't have a multimedia poetry class at Mills?  I'd love to learn how to create a video poem. Also, how cool it would be to have a poetry video channel as an alternative to the majority "fluff" of music videos we have now.



  1. I think we do have a mutlimedia poetry class and we are in it. I know that anything creative, innovative, transformative,( I will use that word a lot ) It's all about growth. Is so welcomed art takes on many forms. You just have to remember that slasses have to have justification for content and we get the prof that puts compassion, freedom , and expression above all. Elmax is meuti media queen. So let it go go let your self go good and and bad just let your self flow ( Beatie Boys ) Jewish count as color or on the margin. I cant thing I one genre. I wan to do it all. So if you desire it put it out there set the world on fire no point of there. I want to to see your gift to the world .
    go for it faer is the dame as excitement .know one get fanmous holding back . I am inspired by ithers willling ness for risk . rock it so all feel they are free.I wlll follow and others will as well.
    kisck some bootie.

  2. I am wqriter not a speller the mind goes the fingers dont so misunderstood let me know.

  3. Mica
    I love your creative mind for your final project you should make a video poem and start asking questions about it now. Suki is right we're in a class where much is possible and you have to do is dream and put creative action to work.

  4. right on, right on. I'm right there with enthusiasm for the creative tip! : )
