Monday, September 14, 2009


Well our first meeting went well Far better than I thought it was going to go. Free write to begin. AAHHHHHH I need to pee and run. I am not a writer. 4 options go through my head and then I do ,I will I can, I write. Poe I was a little pissy about that don't we have enough to read.. He is talking about poetry,I am writing a one woman show! Poo to you Mr. Poe. But his emphaisis is structure.Oh I need structure. I need that. I need walls to hold up my colasping interior. Think, be thoughtful. Where is your story going ? Why does it matter. Transitions, transitions transitions. Seemless connection to crazy rants. Beginning , middle, end Ok, tip of the hat to Christina, Mr POE. lol. Maybe you are fammous for a reason.
I crave stucture. I need it but my process is or I thought seroiusly lacking in that. But cookcooca choo. I am the nut job that outlined 2 acts of a one woman show with titles for each monologue. I guess structure is something I do. give me walls so I don't fall down.

The reading. Love the stucture of the Herpatogly piece. I like alot about this piece. She let you in to all of her failing and hurts and desire and need softly. I could relate to her failings. Why do you keep going back, let him in, basically bend over. Because we are human and we have needs and we don't always make the healthy choice. To write it showed the vulnrabitity of the author and for me had an impact because I share that trait.

Then there was the fluff poem . I am not a fan of I am so pretty and deep I could be saying nothing but I will try to make you think. I don't like to feel stupid and if I can't figure out what your trying to convey I want to punch you. I Doth thinks its crap

" Saying amen , amen meaning so be it, so be it. And it is." KIck some ass Dan that poem spoke to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I read all the future stuff out loud to my son he is terrified by natural disasters and snakes and the like Nture and places is full of it. But if I read it to him I have explain to myself and to him these are pieces written by people caught in the margins. Where is home? My post is late because in two weeks my son and I might be homeless. I can hang with that but as a mother its not an option. So I am sorry this is late , maybe not so great, i do what I can, I am Sam I am.

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