Monday, September 7, 2009

Couldn't Help It

Okay, I know I'm only supposed to post one main posting for week 2, but I wanted to also mention how wonderfully fascinated I was by T. Moss's Video Poams -- LOVED THEM. I read the PDF version of the Bubbles video first and found that once I watched the video, I was really intrigued by the blending of music and images and voice with the option of a text version-- it was really well done. (Plan to share this with my cluster). It was kind of trippy in a way that made me tilt my head a lot to figure out what images I was actually seeing and what words where ghosted behind the images.

It got me thinking about the mixed media of poetry and how we (and I mean me) limit ourselves in our definition of poetry. I think one of the things I anticipate in this class is a redefining of what I call poetry. Thanks for this beginning of exploration Elmaz!!

I'm interested in what other people thought of Moss's work.



  1. your colleagues were a bit more confused..hopefully this can be included in the discussion and you can post as often as you like.

  2. oh i'm so glad someone decided to talk about these. my jury is still out on whether or not i "like" them (since when does liking them matter?) but i am *fascinated* by them. watching each of them brought up a lot of issues i didn't ever get to when i was writing my original blog post -- questions of authority & how we often feel that if a piece is published or presented as a photocopy to us in class, we take it as "finished" & don't ever consider critiquing it or line-editing it the way we might in some kind of workshop setting with peers. there is something magical that happens between regular page & published page.

    my point is that in watching these, i DID feel critical. most likely out of misunderstanding or surprise. i wondered why she did one thing instead of another, wondered what the point of the layered sound was & what would have happened if she has played with that manipulation a little differently. who has given me authority to do this? the page? is it because it's intertextual & cross genre?

    i would love to work on a project like this with some folks (i hear interest from mica & kiala, who else?). i've done one before (so fun!) but would love to do more.

  3. I think its great you posted again it means you're really interacting with the works and its interacting with you.

  4. Wow, I never thought of limitations of poetry as far as it is performed or accessed. I'm glad you point that out early on and are able to aware others of that aspect within the poetry community.

