Sunday, September 6, 2009

James Welch...response 2

I really enjoyed James Welch’s poetry especially the piece that is Untitled. I liked this piece because of its simplicity, but also because it shows the process of being a writer. As a poet I can understand the discipline it takes to sit down and just write. There are times where the mind just wanders and it makes it hard to write, but there are also times when the inspiration is right in front of you (the scenery or something like that). “This paper couldn’t imagine/ its strange fate. /Those birds outside don’t realize they’re being used, /although they seem to be chirping louder today” The fact that he sort of personifies the paper shows that he as a writer gives objects life to give his piece more imagery. This allows the reader to get a better understanding of what the writer is trying to say. Welch also mentions that the birds do not know they are being used as an inspiration for a piece of writing, yet they are chirping louder. This is an indication that the writer is observing his surroundings closely to capture the moment through words.

The poem itself seems to be in free verse, yet when the poem is read out loud there’s a nice ring to it (try it). Perhaps, it’s the repetition of the word “dilly” that gives it a sense of musicality or brings the piece together (I’m not too sure how it does though). I really like the conversational tone of the poem, because it makes me feel as if the speaker is letting me into his or her world and what writing means to him or her.

I think the overall theme of this piece is that everything and anything around you can be turned into art, in this case poetry. The fact that the birds, worms, paper, and dogs are all a part of the poem is a clear indication. The speaker is taking what he or she is observing and writing about how he or she sees the world through his or her eyes.

-Elizabeth Chaidez


  1. I had a similar feeling of enjoying the process of writing being put out on the page. I think it's great that all he's going to write is dilly too. I get in those moods where I am hung up on one word and nothing wants to come after it....So real

  2. Lizzie,
    the birds being used..kills me
    can't wait to see more of your thoughts
