Monday, September 7, 2009


After we went around the room sharing our "tags" and the worse ones of them, I wanted to see a running list of mine.

Mushroom: 1st - 5th grades; because of a cousin about my haircut
Brat: 1st grade - now?...because I have another mean cousin.
Miss Louie: 3rd - 5th grades; my teacher (yes of three years) always wrote my last name as L-U-I and felt the need to use a tone with me, which I probably earned
Jenny: early on; only one person in this world calls me this without me correcting her because that would prove to be wasted effort, and I hate this name when used at me
J-Liu: 6th grade - sporadic; J-Lo was SUCH hilarious hotness that people saw a similarity in my name, and morphed it
Badminton Buddy: 7th grade-12th grade; badminton during middle school PE was really the only thing that a friend of mine and I shared, so that's what we called each other
Jen: 6th - 8th grades; a girl I thought I was good friends with thought it was okay and I liked everyone else less to correct her
Sistafren: 7th grade; above-mentioned girl and I were such great friends that we couldn't decide if we were close enough friends to think of each other as pretend sisters...poo on her now.
Demon Child: 8th grade? - 12th grade (infrequent); some people think I am Satan's spawn. Coincidentally, those people who have called me this name have been black (Black? help me out) female friends of mine from middle and high school.
Peanut: ? - now; my close friend came up with that, and I liked it
Noodle: created at same time as Peanut, but didn't stick
Refinnej: middle - high school; it took me a while to figure out that my friend made my name backwards (she was only saying it at first). She started to full on call me that by high school.
Jenn: 12th grade - now; a boy I liked said my name had too many syllables for him to say (three), so he insisted on calling me Jen, to which I insisted that the Jen be acknowledged to have two N's => Jenn. I have specified that ever since.
Little One: 11th - 12th grade; a girl a lot taller than me called me that, but I thought she was very pretty and mostly nice so I didn't mind
Husband: 11th grade - now; I got "married" in as the wife to a polygamous relationship between three girl "husbands" in high school, who came together at our Winterfaire GSA booth (Gay Straight Alliance). I became better friends with one of them, so we officially divorced the other two, who were not fun or nice, and got our own certificate. We are still happily married today.
Lil' J: freshwoman year; I hate it, don't even think it
Mallo: freshwoman year end/summer; shortened from 'mallow' of marshmallow
Happy Knees/HKnees: sophomore year - now; I drew on my knees with Crayola markers and took a picture, and it became a happening thing on the internet amongst a small circle
Biscuit: sophomore year; I liked it so much, I gave it to myself, but someone else did use it for a short while
Girl: last year - now; a friend's mom forgot my name, so she said "Hey you...Girl!" while my friend stifled his guffaws from the next room. He became Boy thereafter.
Miscellaneous versions of Peanut: Peanuttle, Peanusaurus (and she's Wormasaurus for Wormie), pNutt, more

With tags, there are some that come about because of a language barrier. "Jennifer" is apparently too difficult for Chinese tongues to pronounce.
Chinese fiascos that are also nicknames:
Fer-Ferrrrrr, which led to the Americanized Fer-Fer and jFer
jan-ney-faaaaaaah note the difference in emphasis, urgency, and irritation(to me)
Nu Nu (oldest name my grandmother calls me by, meaning "my little girl" I suppose)
tlay Mah-lao ("you cursed wild monkey" for when I pull fast ones on my grandmother; she may be 82, but I keep her young)


  1. I love you! i am sure that doesn't count as a response but your list of tags made me cry.

  2. I'm with Elmaz perform this, its funny as hell.
