Saturday, October 10, 2009

This is Way Over due!

So I know this is a way over due, but I read the wrong readings for tuesday, so now I will respond to one of the poems from that week. :(

Reading Reg E. Gains poem, "Please Don't Take My Air Jordans" I couldn't help, but wonder why so many people care about their appearance (in terms of clothing and body appearence) and what other folks think about them. I am pretty sure the media has a lot to do with such notions of what is "in", what is "beautiful", what is "right", what is "wrong" and how one should look. These notions tend to either bring one's self-esteem down, or up depending on who the individual is. It may also force one to steal if he or she cannot afford thehe things he or she is craving. This is predomniatly seen in the characteristics of Junior high and high school students--they want to be accepted by others and looks and clothing is a big thing.

In "Please Don't Take My Air Jordans" the speaker of the poem seems to come off as a kid who is in high school and wants to be accepted by his peers, specifically his "crew." This crew can perhaps be a mini-gang, by mini I mean a gang that does not necessarilly participate in major crimes like murder. However, this kid commits murder in the poem, but for some reason fits his personality when the speaker describes his actions. Throughout the poem we can see that the speaker cannot afford to buy nice gear such as air jordans, and name brand backpacks. For that reason he steals from the mall, the speaker states,

i gots no job no money at all
but it's easy to steal fresh gear from the mall
parents say I shouldn't but I know i should
gots ta do what i can to make sure I look good

and the reason I have to look real fly
well to tell ya the truth man i don't know why
i guess it makes me feel special inside
when im wearing fresh gear i don't have to hide

Here, the speaker is telling us that he steals from the mall and that he really does not know why he does it, but what he does know that it makes him feel good and does not have to hide from embarassment of wearing old "uncool" clothing. The fact that he tells this makes me wonder if the speaker comes from a lower income family. I wonder that because his parents are aware of him stealing, but do not say anything except for him to not steal. This character reminded me a lot of someone i knew in high school and sort of myself. I remember she would steal people's lunch money just so she can buy new clothing like all my other friends. Her mother would make her clothing that she hated, but wore it anyway because she had no other option. For that reason she would take her friends money. It saddens me that she had to stoop down to that level so that she can just fit in with everyone else.

Our friends would come to school with name brand shoes and clothing like Guess or True Religion...which i think is ridiculous why spend sooo much on jeans and shoes?? Yeah they last longer, but really say nothing about yourself or where you come from. I think the speaker in the poem thought that if he had fly gear that it would hide the fact that he came from a lower income enivronment and perhaps was embarassed by that. I can relate to that in a way, I didn't come from a wealthy family nor was I dirt poor, my family had to find a way to make it. Most of my friends come from privelaged environments, so they have huge house, nice cars, etc....when i was in jr high i would be embarassed to bring over to my house because it was tiny-- Two bedroms and 5 of us living in the household. Now that I think of it there was no reason for me to be embarassed---I had a roof over my head and should have been happy with that. But then again I was a kid just trying to fit in not look like we were poor.

The media has a lot to do with these feelings of embarassment I think...the images that are put on telvesions, and billboards kind influence kids and some adults to think a certain way about their socio-economic status, and their appearance. It is sad, but I think when one grows up they eventually realize that it is their personal opinion that should matter vs that of society and media. (Sorry if i went on a rant).


1 comment:

  1. i get the rant--it's all about lululemon in my world (the stuff from ross works just as well). but there was a social image that went with this poem that was pretty pervasive and you experienced it in your world too. ah, our priorities!
