Sunday, November 1, 2009

Identity continued

I felt like my last blog was so short becuase what I wrote had copied so many times it was saying I had written to much.But I can see I hadn't. I wanted to let everyone know how much I miss hearing the amazing free-writes from the incredible poets in out class. But I have been having my own identity crisis so, so be it. You can only do what you can do. We are not the Crime We are the Evidence I do really like this piece and as I see it relate to identity I feel that it tell the story of having ones identity stripped, stolen, and removed. I alao think that is very powerful that the perpetrators are allowed to hide thier identity or what they have done. I get that in the line, " Aquitted themselves as well"
Of Sort by Sreven Cordova This prose piece is interesting. Its like everything about his identity is laid out for him wether he chose it, it was chosen for him or he doesn't even know who chose it. (His identity) But I love the ending. HOw funnny that peeing something your body who you are tell you you have to do. It is yours. It makes me question is identity that thing that is what make us who we are and yet me have no choice about. It seems like a more realistic view of identity. Rather than all the thing we are born into told we are, try on as being. All of those things don't strike me as very authentic.

I think I need to write a poem as a part of my freewrite missing from class
If I am wrong I'll find out.

So Here's my piece on identity

I got a name

I got a name
no its not
ms. blue hair
even with my big fat
black blue lip
I won't shut up

I got a name
one that was stolen
or sold
one that I cling to
like a story that explains
my I

the eyes that take in
too much
never enough

I got a name
and I'll spend a lifetime
or what time I have left
trying to remeber it

So I can
shut up
and whisper softly
to myself
over and over

rembering who I am
who I was
before I was ever touched.

rembering I got a name.


  1. see you got the poetry thing going on.

  2. Suki,
    Thanks for your poem!
    This part stands out to me:
    I got a name
    and I'll spend a lifetime
    or what time I have left
    trying to remeber it

    in poetry & pen,
