Sunday, November 8, 2009

form and I hope this is on the right stuff

A lost memory of Delhi
I want to say I completely understand this poem. But, I don't and that's okay. It could be said that it's just about remebering Delhi.I went to a reading recently where the poet explained each piece before she she read a poem. I was thinking more about her explainations than her poetry. So when I read this and wasn't sure I got it, I didn't mind . I was able to like it. I like 3 line couplets they are my fave for some reason. And becasue I wasn' t sure I got think of a couple stories. One being a child unborn killed in a bus accident knocking to let the parents he is a star still there. I also thought of a transgendered person shut out form their family.I wondered about" stars are coming out
ringing with tongues of glass"
and how the poem end with
" hear me they won't hear
my knocking drowning out
the tongues of stars"
I don't even know what to say about that but the repitition of tongues and being unheard and glass gets to me.

I liked the /as a way of connecting quick internal thoughts.


I love the repitition that is like glue to all the images that effected her as a girl the repitition of
"As a plaited girl
I was stung by "Medusa""

" As a plaited girl
I was stung by " Medusa
As a woman
I am unafraid to turn men to stone"

It is interesting how different cultures shame and revere for certain physical attributes and how deep the wound can go. I just love the idea of her turning men to stone.

exceptions . Oh there is a whole lot here turning all those phrases on there heads. Too much to sy anout this one .
I connot for the life of me find Alsadr,Mrouelook in inclined I will kepp looking but may be I got directed to the wrong book?
So when I find it I will come back to it.

But some obvious form driven poem A Blue Black Pearl I thin that the four lists side by side added to the 40 years, made it feel, longer. more compact, more painful. I also like the way you could read across instead and find something different.

!Hey Yo/Yo Soy I love the way this spread across the page the repetition the mix if langugage.

Child emergency I have to finish this later


  1. I'm with you on not exactly understanding the last few lines. One could view it in the light that stars are a kind of light or flame and therefore have "tongues" like fire is often described to have, but I found these last couple of lines to be rather abstract. However, one thing that should be noted is the absence or disappearance of things within the poem. This is also one way of understanding the work, though the metaphors may seem mixed (drowning vs. the heavens, etc.)We know for sure that the light of the star is lost, the memory is lost, the child who is speaking has not been born, and speech in general seems to be lost as well.

  2. clearly I was talking about form and everyone elses discussion was about politic so I need to check out where I went wrong and catch up. I feel so sad to have missed out on the moment of such powerful discussions regarding poetry and politics.
