Thursday, August 27, 2009

Welcome to Poets of Color

I'm Aries, your TA (or one of your TA's) for this amazing journey. As you've read in your syllabus we're gonna read mucho. Because half of writing is reading. We're going to reach out to our emotions and our thoughts and go for something even deeper. We're going to learn how to read poems, and in a sense even how it is we go about writing poetry. If at anytime you have questions or you need assistance or you'd just like to bounce ideas around, I'm available by email or we can carve some time on campus to meet. Trust me I know all about procrastination but the blog post have got to be Its a wonderful gift to see all of you each Tuesday. The books for this class are more than a few of my favorites. And I'm happy to have to read poems all day. I also really look forward to your post, its your opportunity to discuss the work, how and where it touched you, on a political level, emotional, familial, or did the poem just look you in the face and know you? Were you ready to embrace it or did it piss you off? This is the place for your voice and your ideas so please be open, and don't be afraid to color outside the lines. I'll be here to smile at you, and rub your hand along the way. We're examining poets and people that have been left at the margins, out of the canon and often out of society's "Best" poets list. Nonetheless these writers exist and have saved the lives of many little black girls like me reading their text as bible and dictionary.

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