Wednesday, August 26, 2009

hi everybody

Well, I just wanted to say Hi and get in the habit of blogging. It can be intimidating writing and having it automatically go out into the world. However, I am so excited about this class and even reading the syllabus was interesting. But I would expect no less from Elmaz. I am looking forward to meeting all of you and have a semester filled with growth and learning. I am also taking American Lit this semester and we have started out reading Native American Poetry or as the Totem text points out the "token" contributions to literature. I am grateful to have a class that balances out the standard work that is thrown at college student as the accepted norm of talent. I hope that aside from valuable analytical readings we might share some of our own poetic talent, or for myself discover that it exsist.


  1. Glad you started us off, Suki. Right on. Yes, prepare to write. a lot, poetry and other things. We will be all over the place.
    soon come

  2. Interesting, this canonized body of work. While hopefully not reducing the contributions of Mr. Hughes or Mr. Calloway, would they not fall in the "token" category that Totems speaks of? I have known these names much longer than I have known any of their work. Then again, I have always sought out art outside the canon, bored with what others wanted me to know. Perhaps I have created my own canon, and I will have to reorient myself in order to discuss with the class.

  3. yes, i'm also fascinated by "the canon." someone told me the other day that there is no longer one canon (bullshit!), but that there are multiple canons, one for each subgenre (experimental poetry, language poetry, whatever). while i think this is true, that other subsets of literature have been crowded into distinguished categories, akademia still holds strong to its white canonical roots. for what reason, i don't know -- we need some hotness up in here.
